Personal injury cases are among the most frequently handled cases by private attorneys for individuals. Injury cases are more challenging for unrepresented parties because they usually do not have the experience of dealing with the big insurance companies or the big insurance company’s attorneys to know how to negotiate the best deal.
Below are 5 of the most common questions people ask about personal injury cases, ranging from the most basic to the most important.
1. What Do I Do If I have a Injury Case?
Knowing what to do if you have a personal injury case is important. While getting medical care is probably your top priority, getting legal help or exploring your legal rights as soon as possible is advisable.
2. How Do I Choose the Right Personal Injury Lawyer?
Usually, having an attorney help you with a personal injury case will make the process easier, as well as mitigate the risks of making a mistake in presenting your case that could have an impact on the value. Choosing the right attorney can sometimes be confusing as there are several to choose from. However, finding an attorney that is experienced with your type of injury or the type of accident is usually a good place to start.
3. What Do I Need to Know About Lawyer Fees?
Most injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. These can be set up in lots of different ways, but generally don’t require you to pay any money up front. However it is common for attorneys to take upwards of 40% of the gross recovery if they litigate a case or go through trial.
4. How Long Will It Take to Settle My Injury Lawsuit?
No two injury cases are alike. Generally though, injury cases can take anywhere from a few months to several years to settle. It all depends on the time it takes the injury to heal and the progress of the negotiations or litigation. A case can settle a few days after an injury or months after a jury verdict has been rendered.
5. Should I Accept an Insurance Settlement for My Injuries?
Deciding to accept a settlement should be carefully thought over. If you have not discussed the offer with an attorney, you really should before accepting it. You especially want to make sure that every medical provider is accounted for, as well as anyone else, such as an ambulance company, health insurance company or fire department, that may have a lien, or open bill, on your case.